Tuesday, December 12, 2023


       The following day as John was standing with two of his disciples, Jesus walked by. John looked at him intently and then declared, “See! There is the Lamb of God!” (John 1:35-36, Living Bible)

Jesus has frequently been called the Lamb of God. Why is that?

In Bible times, when a Jew sinned, they had to take a lamb to the temple as a sacrifice to be forgiven. In the book of Exodus, God’s final plague for Pharaoh to let His people go was that the firstborn son of every family would die. For the Jews to have their sons spared, they had to kill a male lamb who was without blemish and spread its blood on the tops and sides of their door frame.   

Now picture Jesus as the Lamb of God, the sacrifice that would save us all, His blood spread on the cross.

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