Sunday, December 17, 2023


Her first son was born. She put cloth around Him and laid Him in a place where cattle are fed. There was no room for them in the place where people stay for the night. (Luke 2:7, New Life Version)

Most versions of the Bible say that there was no room in the inn. I chose this translation because there’s a good chance that there wasn’t even an inn in Bethlehem at that time. Many Bible scholars believe that “inn” actually referred to an inner room of the house, such as a guest room.

True, there was no room for Mary and Joseph in any of the “places where people stay” because the city was filled with travelers going there for the census. But the stable where the animals slept was warm and safe, and probably quieter than the houses which were filled with people.

I think it was a beautiful place for a baby to be born.

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