Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2017 Kenya Log Entry 11

I am back to Kenya again. Or I wish I was, instead of sitting here in Wisconsin, reliving our trip last month.

On Friday, April 7, we visited Mary Faith Women’s Shelter and School. Here girls and young women are taken off of the streets, out of dangerous situations and abusive relationships. They are given an education, and since most of them are pregnant or have small children, their children are given an education as well.
Sounds like a great place, until you see it. The staff are doing the best they can with what they have. I get that, but it doesn’t make it any easier to witness. It makes you want to take any – and all – of these kids home with you. 
 Some of the classrooms. 
 The courtyard, looking worse than it probably usually does due to rain the night before. 
 All the kids chipping in to do the laundry. 
 Raising chickens. 
 Growing a garden. 
 The kitchen. 
 My daughter Val, doing what she does best, helping out. While the rest of us wandered the grounds, she sat down, grabbed a plate and started sorting beans, much to the delight of the young women. These girls were all so beautiful, but because their abusers are still out there, I unfortunately can’t share any of their pictures. (I can’t imagine anyone would find their pictures here, but I must be respectful.) 
 Like daughter, like mother? I don’t know about that. I wasn’t all that helpful, but it doesn’t take much to just be in the moment. 

1 comment:

Denise said...

Chris, not much to say, although I'm sure it is better than where/what they came from. They are safe.