Sunday, October 22, 2017


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (New International Version)

As anyone knows who lives where the seasons change, it is that time of year when you can’t get a handle on the leaves covering your yard. Last week Hubby spent a couple hours every day raking and leaf-blowing our leaves into piles all over the yard. Some he hauled away, but the rest were supposed to be my responsibility. I kind of shirked it. Plus, more leaves fell from the trees. When he got home from work yesterday, he started the leaf-blower for me and I blew out a tiny portion of the lawn, one of the portions he had done already. It doesn’t seem like I made a dent.

A daunting task awaits us. How will we ever finish picking up the leaves before snow falls (which is forecasted for the end of next week, with not much but cloudy skies and rain showers before then).

Whether or not the yardwork gets done this fall, this reminds me how all things are possible with God. Without even lifting a finger, He could pick up these leaves, as well as clean my house! Of course, He doesn’t. He gave us our world and our work so that we can stay busy and be productive, so that we have a reason to get up in the morning. Maybe I should have instead picked a Bible verse about the perils of laziness!

In any event, my yard is what it is. A blessing from God. Whether covered in leaves or green grass or snow.

Thank You, God, for giving me all that I have and for giving me the ability to maintain it. Amen.  

(As I wrote the title for this post, I suddenly remembered that my chosen word for this year was “possibility”. Huh. Only took me ten months to remember that!)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Our yard is a mess, I was intent on really keeping it up. I could list about 5 excuses, laziness being #1. Oh well, next year.