Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 New's Year Day and where have I been?

    I didn’t plan on taking nearly a full week off from blogging. Family is more important, not only over the Christmas holidays, but any time of year. House and home matter a lot too. So I’ve spent the last week chillin’, not writing here or on any other project, taking a lot of pictures though. Oh, and also scouring Ancestry.com to put together my family tree. Made the mistake last night of starting on my husband’s family tree, actually stayed up until after nine pm on New Year’s Eve.

But you don’t need to know any of that. You just want to see some of the pictures, right? 
 Once again, bought too many presents, this is just the tip of the iceberg. 
 I also, once again, had to raid the kitchen cupboard for boxes.  
 I may look festive, maybe too festitve, as in, have eaten too many cookies already. 
 Santa always looks festive, though, especially when he borrows a baby for a photo op.
 Even more festive when he is delivering presents to his favorite doc. 
 Christmas Eve was more of a frenzy of opening presents. 
 The dogs think so too. 
 Christmas morning, chillin' after all the gifts are open. 
 All the puppies, that one chance at a good pic. 
 House guests for the weekend - the hubby's brother and his wife from Iowa. 
 My beautiful daughter and her family. 
Dino doing his job. 
And that's all folks. 
Have a Happy New Year. 

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