Friday, March 15, 2019

Done with Winter and much more

I think everyone across the country is done with winter. Watching video of the “bomb cyclone” out west yesterday, I feel guilty that I ever complained about the weather here in Wisconsin. With our snowpack starting to melt, it is possible to believe that we will get through this winter and that spring will come.

And then another problem came my way. But first here is the progress of winter on my deck. 
 February 7
 February 12
 February 24
 March 4
 March 10
 March 14 - And here is where the latest problem shows up. You probably wouldn't notice that shadow just above the end of the deck, but . . .
. . . this is what that shadow turns into when I zoom in. Some hair or amoeba got inside the lens of my camera. (Actually, it just dawned on me exactly what that looks like, but I rather not say.)

I did some research on the internet. The on-line Nikon experts estimated it could cost up to $137 to get that hair out of the lens. I could buy a whole new similar camera for just under $400. My other two options? Admit that I am not a professional photographer, so I shouldn’t care about that hair in the middle of my pictures, and plus, if I think I’m a writer, I should be painting pictures with words anyway.

Or I learn to take pictures with my phone, like the rest of the modern world. Any suggestions?  

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