Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Strength of a Bull

Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty,
    but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests.
Proverbs 14:4 (New International Version)

When I posted last week’s Bible verses about strength, I couldn’t decide if I should use the picture of the horses pulling what I believe was a hay rake or this picture.  

Dad said once that when he was on the farm (before he married Mom) he had a big ol’ bull named either Pat or Prince (he told me this story probably fifty years ago). Anyway, whatever this bull’s name was, Dad would call him by that name and the bull would come running across the field. I’m not sure if this is that animal or not, but I don’t think I’d want to mess with him.

But getting back to the Bible verse. Oxen aren’t the only ones who need strength to get stuff done.

We can sit around and be like, I can’t do this or that, because I’m not strong enough. Guess what, we can do whatever we need to do. We just have to pray to God for the physical strength, or more often, the inner strength. And then just give it our best shot.

Thank You, Father God, for granting us the strength of spirit to get through the difficult days. Amen

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