Here we are, just days away from what will no doubt be in
some way or another a historic presidential election. I had hoped to write
about it more – the issues which are ripping us apart, the issues which should
be bringing us together, how the whole voting process even works (ie the
electoral college) – but here we are.
Two things I need to share. First, please click on this link and read the article.
I’ve been concerned
about that very thing for months and with each passing day, my concerns lean
more towards outright worry.
Second thing is a story about the integrity of one man and
the power of those political parties.
My father-in-law was Lloyd Kincaid, a former state senator
and assemblyman, from the early seventies to the early nineties. Fairly early
on in his career, a bill came up which would adversely affect the people of his
district. He represented small rural communities in northern Wisconsin, and
this bill was designed to help residents of the larger cities at a cost to
towns like his.
When his political party found out that he intended to vote
against this bill, the leaders of his party told him that if he didn’t vote for
it, that they would find someone else from the party to run against him in the
next election and they would be sure that person would win.
He would have nothing to do with it. He talked to the
leaders of the other political party and they told him they would always
support him. So, he switched parties. (And just to be clear, in case you
research this and discover which party is which in this story, either one of them
would have done the same thing. And neither party really supported him to the end.)
Moral of that story is that political parties have wielded
this kind of control for decades. Reminds me of the movie “Mr. Smith Goes toWashington”. If the television networks weren’t already run by one party or the
other, they would be playing that movie incessantly right about now.
But the other thing to remember is that there have been men
and women in office who have had integrity, who were committed to the voters
who elected them and not to a political machine which is running rampant
throughout this country. We need to seek out fresh individuals who are willing
to stand up for what is right and good, and serve their constituents instead of
some political party.
That’s all I have for this week. May God be with you all in
the coming weeks. I will be praying for us all.