Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Iowa Countryside

Who really ever goes to Iowa on vacation? Don’t knock Iowa. There really is a lot to see. Of course, if you have been following my travels, you know it doesn’t take much to thrill me.

The summer of 2007 my husband and I took a short trip north and a month later took another short trip south. Himey has a brother who lives in the Quad Cities so we spent one night with him. Good thing, because the car started acting up on the way down and John was able to take it to his mechanic for us the next day. While he was doing that, we borrowed his mini-van and drove to Nauvoo, Illinois.

I couldn’t believe Himey was willing to go back there after the miserable time he had driving through Illinois a few years before. He is either a sucker or a really good sport.

Nauvoo is very neat. If you like Williamsburg, Virginia, you would like Nauvoo. The buildings, the history, the stories. You feel like you stepped right out of the buggy into the 1800’s.

On the way there, we found a cool covered bridge over Henderson Creek. On the way back, we found something even cooler. Ok, maybe not cool. How about bizarre?

Fort Madison is home to Iowa’s maximum security prison. It is this huge ancient fortress, the oldest prison west of the Mississippi. Just looking at it from the outside causes chills to run up a person’s spine. But here’s the crazy part. Someone built a mini-golf course/ice cream parlor not 50 feet from the north west corner.

So do parents in Fort Madison say, “Come on kids, let’s get a hot dog for supper over next to the prison. Maybe we can watch an escape.” Actually, the walls of the quaint food stop were covered in newspaper articles of prison escapes. Very nice décor.

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