Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Scenic Waterfalls

Gooseberry Falls State Park in Minnesoa. The next stop on our short vacation of 2007. And another hot day. I suppose I can’t blame all the many other people who were visiting Gooseberry that day for wanting to play in the water, but gee whiz, for the second day in a row I had to muster lots of patience to get any pictures sans tourists.

By the next day we had figured it. We bounced out of bed at some ridiculous hour – ridiculous for vacation anyway – and went to the next waterfalls before eating, or showering, and before anybody else was up and about.

Nature the way it was meant to be – just me and my camera in the woods all alone, seeking out a new waterfall.

At 165 feet tall, Manitou Falls is the highest in Wisconsin. Located in Pattison State Park, it is a short walk to view from either side of the river. The problem is that the view is not that great. I really don’t want to sound like I am complaining, because I much rather have the natural trees in the ravine and a poor angle than have some colossal eyesore of a structure jutting into the gorge allowing me the perfect photo op.

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