On many people’s calendars, there are four seasons
noted, spring, summer, fall and winter. There are also people out there who skew
those seasons into things like football season, baseball season and chores
around the house season, or winter and road construction season, etc. Well, we
also have two seasons at our house. They are: “it’s warm enough for the cats to
stay outside season” and “don’t you feel sorry for the cats, let’s just bring
them inside for a few hours in the evening season”.
Apparently we have reached the second season of the
year. The hubby is always willing to let this season slip, but I pretty much
think that seasons should be split evenly, so that if we have only two of them,
they should each be six months long. In hopes of warm weather arriving early
next year, I am willing to begin the “let the cats in the house season”.
Picture if you will the Bumpus dogs careening
through the front door and tromping through the house. That is exactly what it
looks like in my house every cold-weather evening when we let Betty, Fred and
Ches in the back door. The three cats are beside themselves with glee. They
don’t know if they should first run down the basement stairs to see what food
awaits them there or if they should stake their claim to a living room chair or
the pillow on my bed. They scurry everywhere. The whole time Dino the dog and
Alice the inside cat are wondering what the panic is all about. Then because
Alice is so stupid, she goes outside by herself.
I truly don’t know what my hubby and I do for
entertainment during the warm months. TV? Read a book? Write a book? Don’t
know, coz the most entertainment we have is rounding up the cats when it is
bedtime and we deem it necessary for them to be eradicated to the great
outdoors, or if they were smart, the snug garage.
Ches is the easiest to find, either because he
truly likes to be out in the cold or because he hasn’t figured out what is
happening when hubby and I start moving cautiously around the house, talking in
whispers and using sign language. We used to be able to count on Betty to curl
up on someone’s bed, but lately she has taken to the basement when it is time
to go out.
Thanks a ton for stating your opinions. Being a writer, I am always in need of unique and different solutions to think about a topic. I actually uncover fantastic creativity in doing this. Many thanks
When we got married, I had to promise - no cats. My husband is terribly allergic. But, I have fond memories of Tom Sawyer, our enormous Siamese tomcat who lived with us for seventeen years. He really did have nine lives, you see. One day, he crawled into the dryer when nobody was looking. After he took a short, bumpy ride when the dryer started up, he avoided that particular hiding spot. Happy writing and cat hunting!
Thanks for the comment and the smile it brought to my face, Kathrese. I cat-sat for a friend last winter, and that cat liked to crawl in the dryer too.
Hi Chris! You met our Zoey and she rule the house...except for Porschea pouncing! I think if we tried to kick her out of the house ...she would manage a way to kick us out instead! Ha ha! I love your posts!! Blessings!
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