Friday, November 1, 2019

Sept 26 – Finally starting our work

     Denise and I woke up Thursday morning at the safari camp at the Mara, ready to finally get to work. Yes, we’d done a few things on the trip so far to help out, but here at the Mara was where we wanted to focus our time, attention, and hopefully, finances.

 We had two days to do all of this: 1) meet with the women from Dann’s village to do a census 2) visit the school next to their village 3) tour the medical clinic in the town 4) walk to the origin of Izzo’s spring 5) meet with the women from the village across the road 6) drive to the Maasai village across the Sand River. All of these visits were so that we could write reports about the needs of the area to present to potential investors. I’ll be honest, it was daunting. I am basically shy and introverted and talking to so many people was stressful. I had my dear friend Denise for support and Dann as our wonderful guide. I would get through the next couple days.

 Our first morning there, Dann took us to his village, Nkoirero. This little Maasai village is about three-quarters of a mile from Izzo’s safari camp. 
 I’d visited this village twice before. The first time was for the tourist tour when Denise and I were there in 2015 and went on safari. Last year Nick and I were there to each meet with the men and the women respectively to get a general idea of their lifestyle and their needs. This time, we were to complete more a census – writing down exactly how many women there were, how many kids, how many in school, etc.

 Did I already say this was going to be daunting?

 We did the best job we could to get the statistics we needed, Dann interpreting for us, as only one of the women knew English.
 The women were good-natured, patient, and amiable. The children were all just ridiculously friendly and so happy. Every time I meet with the Maasai, I am more humbled.

 Our amazing guide for our two days of work, with his brother Dennys.
 One task down, five more to go.

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