Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Spring Vacation 2019, Day 5

I am giving this post my best shot, as I don't have internet at home. I'm trying to pretend I am in Kenya, where more than even the internet is not a sure thing. We do take a lot for granted here in the States. 

But getting to the point, here I am on Day 5 of our vacation to Virginia. After a lovely visit with my mother's cousin in Franklin, we drove off to Historic Jamestown. 
 To get there, we had to cross the channel via the ferry.
 I probably thought it was more of a big deal than it was. As if I'd never been on a ferry before.
 Then we arrived at Historic Jamestown.
 Not sure what we have here, except that I extend my apologies to the woman photo bombing in the corner. I would have cropped her out, but well, it's too late.
Pocahontas who seems to be the pivotal character at Jamestown, at least in our imaginations.
 And of course, Captain John Smith.
 How it all began.
 Ruins of the Ambler Mansion.
 One of the reasons Jamestown had so many problems. Why did they build so close to a swamp. Granted, maybe it wasn't so swampy that many years ago, but they should have still realized this wasn't the best location.
 This turtle likes the location.
 As does this snapper.
 The old glassblowing building.
 Quite a lengthy process to make these beautiful creations.
Hopefully I will have internet restored by Thursday and can actually expound on the pictures I post next.

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