Saturday, January 3, 2015

Another Challenge

Two years ago I took the January Ultimate Blog Challenge. It is simple enough – post to your blog daily for a month. When I first started blogging in 2010, I actually wrote a blog nearly every night as I wanted to share my entire life story with the entire world. Over the years, it is not that the stories have dried up – I have a few left which I am saving for a rainy day. But as anyone who has a life would attest, it is a challenge to blog every day. I guess that’s why they call it a challenge.

Two days ago, rather out of the blue, I decided to take up the Ultimate Blog Challenge again. I had been lax in blogging, or doing much of any writing for the last two months, and I thought I needed something to get me going again. A commitment to BICFOK (butt in chair, fingers on keyboard).

So here I am. 28 more days to go, and not a lot of ideas in my head. Yet I will forge ahead. If you read yesterday’s post, you may remember that my word for the year is anticipation. I anticipate a year filled with words covering my computer screen and for that to happen I must start somewhere. This is where I begin.  
(My writing space when I am on a roll. It has been a while since that has happened, 
but I will get it back again this month!)

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